“Launched in 2020, Ubunifu Lamu Initiative (@ubuni_fulamu) is a community-based organization (CBO) targeting vulnerable and disadvantaged children in Mararani Village on Lamu Island.
“With the spread of Covid-19 around the world, Lamu Island all but shut down in March 2020. Suddenly, people found themselves out of work and unable to provide for their families. Vulnerable children were often left to fend for themselves throughout the day as parents went in search of jobs and food.
“Upon seeing this situation, African Corner Lamu (@african_corner_lamu_) quickly decided to convert its new studio space into an art learning center in order to connect resident artists with the children in the village.
“This idea was well received and proved to be a great success. We now operate weekly art and school holidays programs with a focus on art with recycled materials, cultural events, the environment, and neighborhood clean ups.
“We have recently purchased new land in the center of the community that will house an art center made of recycled materials. By purchasing the artwork of the Ubunifu Lamu Initiative, 100% of sales will go directly to the upcoming construction of the center.
“To support Ubunifu Lamu Initiative (@ubuni_fulamu) in our community activities, you can: Follow us on Instagram (@ubuni_fulamu), Like us on Facebook – Ubunifu Lamu Initiative.”
Saturday, July 17, 2021
4:00 – 6:00 PM
Peponi Hotel (@peponi_hotel)
Shela Beach
Ubunifu Lamu Initiative (@ubuni_fulamu)
African Corner Lamu (@african_corner_lamu_)
African Corner Lamu, Ubunifu Lamu Initiative